Monday, January 25, 2010

15 weeks and Moving!

I am 15 weeks! I can't believe that i've made it this far already, it seems like we just found out that we were having twins! I have an u/s one week from today and I'm really hoping that we can find out the genders. I am still predicting that it is a boy and a girl, but we will see.

In other news, we are moving! Finally! We have had our house listed for just over a year and we finally got an offer. We accepted the offer on Thursday and we have to be out of our house next Sunday! So we are definitely busy, busy, and kinda homeless. We will be putting most of our stuff into storage and moving into my Mom's house until we figure out what we are going to do. Well I've got lots of packing to do, I'll update more once we get moved into my Moms.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

14 weeks!

I am 14 weeks and happily into the 2nd trimester of this pregnancy. I am still feeling sick, but it is definitely getting better. I have hope that my all day sickness will disappear soon. It has gone from all day, everyday, horrible sickness, to usually only at night, still sucks, but getting better sickness. At my last appointment I was down a total of 6 pounds from where I started. Hopefully, I will have gained a few pounds at my next doctors appointment. I'm starting to get a little worried about my lack of weight gain, but am hoping since I'm able to eat a little more lately that I will be able to gain something soon.

I have an ultrasound scheduled for two weeks from Monday to check on how the babies are growing. I will be 16 weeks and am really hoping to find out the genders of these babies. I can't wait to see them again, the last time we saw them I was 7weeks 4days (I think) and I was in such shock at the time that I didn't get to look at them like I wish I would have. So, I'm really excited to see them again, now that I'm a little calmer about the whole situation.

One of the reasons we kind of freaked out when we found out we are having twins is that our house is SMALL. Like really small, we only have two bedrooms, both of which are already occupied. Every closet, every nook and cranny in this house is packed full of stuff, add Christmas gifts to this already stuffed house and it just gets ridiculous. Anyways, we have had our house on the market for just over a year now. Apparently, no one really wants a two bedroom house. We had someone look at our house on Friday, who loved it! Yay! She is coming back for a 2nd showing on Monday. We pray that she buys it! That would be a huge weight off of my shoulders, then we could concentrate on finding a new house that will accommodate our rapidly growing family. Wish us luck!

14 weeks.

9 weeks!

I had my second doctors appointment yesterday. First appointment since we found out that we are having twins. It was a very good appointment, we got most of our questions answered. I got a refill for my zofran prescription. So far I have lost 4 pounds from the constant all day sickness.

The best part of the appointment was when we got to hear one of the babies heartbeats. I'm not really worried that we only heard one, as I'm still pretty early and the doctor warned us we may not be able to hear either. The other baby is still probably too low to hear. It's such an amazing sound to hear your babies heartbeat. The more the shock is wearing off the more excited we are becoming. Now we have lots of planning to do, time to start making lists!

Double the Shock

Twins...Oh my gosh. Twins. This is what has been going through my mind since the ultrasound tech looked at the screen and said “and there’s two”. Twins. Wow. I never saw myself having twins. I was always the person that said, “twins are adorable, but not for me.” So here we are, pregnant with twins.

I knew this pregnancy felt different than my last but they always say no two pregnancies are alike. Although, I had a feeling it would be twins. I don’t know how I knew but every once in awhile the thought would creep into my mind, where I would immediately dismiss it. Twins happen to people on fertility treatments and celebrities, not normal twenty somethings.

Am I excited? Honestly? No, not yet. I’m sure I will get there, but right now I’m scared. I go back to the doctor in two weeks, hopefully that will help calm some of my fears. But for now I am shocked and scared.

Scared of what? Scared about upsetting my beautiful two year old Daughter. How will she adapt to not one but two new babies? Will we have enough time and energy for our energetic toddler and demanding newborn twins? Will I have enough love for three children? Scared of the unknown. How long will I carry these twins? Will have have to have a c-section? Will they be healthy? Just scared.

I know we have the support and help of our family, which takes away some of the fear. Once the some of the shock subsides I’m sure we will be beyond thrilled. But for now, I feel guilty for not feeling the level of excitement I feel like I’m supposed to feel.

Today I’m still processing the news. I’ll let you know how tomorrow goes.