I'm about two weeks late on this update, but we've been super busy these last two weeks. At 16 weeks I had a growth ultrasound to check the sizes of the babies. Luckily, they both look healthy so far and they were adorable. It is so wonderful to see them, it really makes the whole thing feel more real. The ultrasound tech took a guess at their genders, and while she wouldn't guarantee it I'm pretty convinced she is right. She guessed that baby A is a girl, and baby B is a boy. Which is exactly what I have been predicting this whole time! We are so excited!
I had my 18 week appointment today, it was a pretty routine appointment. Pee in a cup, weight, blood pressure, questions. Nothing too exciting. I'm back up to my pre-pregnancy weight though, which is good news. I've only gained 1 pound in the last two weeks, which surprises me because I feel like I've been constantly stuffing my face. I think I need to eat smaller meals more often, as I have been getting full really fast. I have my "big" ultrasound scheduled for two weeks from today, I'm excited to see the babies again and confirm their genders.
I have been enjoying Isabel so much lately, I'm just really concerned on how she will react once the babies arrive. She LOVES babies, but she is also very jealous when some other baby has her Mom and Dads attention. We talk about the babies and about her being a big sister, but how can I really prepare her for this huge change? Not only is she getting one sibling but she is getting two. My biggest fear is that she will feel pushed aside, and I don't ever want that to happen. I'm sure these are concerns that all second time parents go through and it will work itself out, but I can't help worrying about her and how all these changes will affect her.